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2010 畢業生代表致辭

Ms Leona LEUNG, UMT MBA 畢業生代表

"UMT MBA Programme are very practical, like how to manage and communicate with my subordinates, students, colleagues effectively… and teaching some business modules."

There are many reasons that I choose UMT’s MBA. First of all, I really love study, and pursuing knowledge is my lifelong objective. Although, i had enough experience to teach the tertiary programme already, pursuing high qualification in contemporary society is must and also act as a role model for my students to understand that lifelong education is important. As we all know, being a teacher must possesses of sound, broaden view and more in-depth knowledge.

I am graduating with the feeling of deep satisfaction. I worked a lot and my efforts gave something more than just an MBA status. I try to read through all the textbooks and relevant materials which are suggested by the academic staff and attend all the lectures as I can. Before I had undertaken the master degree, the business knowledge that I had possessed are at the secondary level, therefore, I must put more efforts so as to obtain a higher score. Special thanks are all academic staff whose were helped me a lot, guided and supported me. It was due to their backing that I completed my postgraduate degree within one year. They try their best to answer my queries, problems, provide and suggest the most relevant reading material for me and supplement with numerous up to dated life examples.

Ms Leona Leung
VTC - Lecturer
2010 UMT Graduate Representative

Mr Patrick LIU (UMT MBA Graduate Representative)

Mr Patrick Liu has over 20 years of accounting and administration experience in both Hong Kong and Mainland China Factory. His fruitful experience covered different areas such as accounting, customs, purchases, general affairs and inventory control.

After finishing the UMT BBA program in 2009, Mr Lam further completed the UMT MBA program in June 2010.

2009 Graduation Speaker

Dr. Herman Lau (UMT Graduate Representative)

修讀美國UMT碩士學歷 提升自己的競爭力

本身已擁有哲學碩士及公共衛生博士銜頭的Dr. Herman Lau,從事醫療工作多年,且有超過10年的行政管理經驗,但Dr. Lau表示:「我的專業學歷一直都集中在醫療範疇,若想擔當更高層的管理工作,必需透過修讀管理或行政的專業課程,藉以了解商業及公營機構的行政管理及營運情況,來提升自己的競爭力。」

由於公務繁忙及參加了四川的義務工作,Dr. Lau只能在有限的時間內進修,他選讀了美國管理科技大學舉辦的MBA課程,原因是此課程極具彈性,不受固定的時間表約束,讓他能利用空餘時間續個科目完成!

此外,UMT的MBA課程理論與實踐並重,他所學到的商業機構或國際企業的範例, 如管理決策及有效的溝通方法等,既擴?他的國際視野,亦讓他應用於公營機構的日常運作。有了專業的學術知識加上多年累積的管理經驗,讓他的工作更事半功倍!

最後Dr. Lau希望藉此機會勉勵所有UMT的同學們繼續努力,為自己的目標奮鬥。 終身學習的過程中,我們需要努力裝備自己,除專業知識外,基礎知識也是不能忽略的!


"If I wanted to further develop my career in higher management position, I definitely needed a master degree in management or administration." Dr. Herman Lau said.

I think I had made the right choice to enrol the Master in Public Administration of UMT last year. I recall that the reason for studying a master degree in management relates to my career development. I am a clinical staff of a public hospital and I have been involving in management duties for over 10 years. Early last year when my boss was planning my career, he reviewed my academic qualification. As a clinical staff, I always thought that I had already attained the necessary qualification because I had already possessed a M Phil degree and a PHD.

To my surprise, when my boss looked at my qualification, he said my qualification was not enough. If I wanted to further develop my career in higher management position, I definitely needed a master degree in management or administration. He urged me to get one as soon as possible so that I would be more justified for higher posts.

I therefore looked for the information on internet. I was quite worried that I might not be able spare so much time for the course as I have already heavily engaged in my office work. Besides, I have also joined the voluntary service in Sichuan after the earthquake there. I was eager to get the knowledge I lacked but at the same time trying to find something that fit my time table.

Fortunately, I joined the UMT and studied this course which provided me with everything I needed. It equipped me with profound knowledge in the management field, both in theory and in practice. It widen my horizon and helped me develop my potential and fully utilize my talent. I can now apply my newly attained knowledge to the daily operation in a public organisation. Of course, it fit my personal schedule very well.

Last but not least, I would like to encourage all UMT students to continue to work hard and go for what you want. Life is a long learning curve and we must get prepared, ready to work hard, and acquire not only specialized knowledge but, more importantly, general knowledge. These are essential ingredients for success in life.

Dr. Herman Lau, PhD
Hospital Authority - Cluster Coordinator
2009 UMT Graduate Representative